Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Chicks with Sticks

It seems that the knitting bug has bitten me because it seems like all I want to do with my free time is knit! I even brought my knitting with me to watch the Superbowl on Sunday. I'm sure all the guys were looking at me like I was crazy. Who is this girl that would rather play with a ball of yarn instead of watching the most important football game of the year?

Part of the reason for my excitement is that I finally purchased the yarn I'm going to use to make the Silk Shrug. It's a beautiful shade of blue called Sapphire and it's so so soft. I tried to purchase the yarn at my local yarn store, but unfortunately they didn't have enough and wouldn't be able to get it for a few weeks. I was so anxious to start the sweater that I ordered in online through kpixie. They were amazing. I ordered the yarn on a Saturday night and it was in my hot little hands Thursday night! Isn't it pretty? I've already starting stitching my gauge swatch and hopefully I'll be able to start the sweater soon.

Last night my friend Liz and I finally made it to Chicks with Sticks in San Francisco. It was a lot of fun. There were around fifteen or so women and a couple of men all sitting around and chatting while they worked on their various projects. One woman was making the cutest knit hearts for her family for Valentine's Day. Everyone was super friendly and I don't know whether it was the good company or the lychee lemon drop I had, but I was knitting faster than normal :) I think we'll definitely be going back soon.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

The sweater is going to look great! You definitely have the knitting bug and it's wonderful to see how passionate you are!! :)