Monday, October 6, 2008


Every other Sunday I pack up all my dirty laundry, my book, some magazines, and various knitting and/or crochet projects to head over to my parent's house for the day. I start my laundry and while the first load is washing, I see what my family is up to.

My Mom is usually in the kitchen cooking lunch for my brother and sister or getting a head start on the evening meal. My Step-Dad is either watching sports on the TV or playing games on his computer. If you wander down the hallway, you'll find my sister, still in her pajamas, reading a book in her room. If the weather is nice, my brother will be running around in the backyard trying to catch frogs that hide by the hot tub.

While it may seem like I'm an overgrown college kid bringing my laundry home for the weekend so that I don't have to wash it myself, I mostly come over to spend time with my family. I wander in and out of the garage washing, drying, and folding while I catch up with everyone. My mom and I will usually go shopping to get out of the house and spend some time together.

This past weekend, we ventured down to Baubles and Beads in San Rafael. Just this past year, she's really started to get into beading and has a growing bead collection at home. When we got back home, I started playing with her bead stash and had an idea to make a beaded lanyard for my keycard at work. I picked out some beads and away I went. My mom helped me put it all together and here is a picture of the finished product. I think it looks better than the plain ol' cloth ones! It worked great at work today too.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I thought you left the house on Sunday because the boys are drinking beer and yelling at the 49ers on TV? :)