Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Spindle Christmas

Since I was such a good girl last year, Santa brought me not one, not two, but three spindles for Christmas! A month before I'd been looking at all the new fiber I'd bought and moaning about how I only had one spindle. I wanted to have multiple spinning WIP's just like I have multiple knitting projects (and numerous stitching projects, and crochet projects, etc.). Sometimes I just have a short attention span.

Then on Christmas day all my spinning dreams came true. One of the spindles I received was a Butterfly Girl Designs millefiori polymer clay high whorl spindle. It's a 0.8 oz beauty that spins like a champ. I love watching the design spin round and round. Since I was leaving town to visit my fiance's parents that evening, I swooped up some hand dyed merino roving from Squoosh and started spinning it the day after Christmas. The roving is called Ice Princess and is the softest wool I've spun so far. Although I've been working on it since then, I've only finished spinning about 0.5 oz, leaving 3.5 oz to go. I'm a very slow spinner.

I was also lucky enough to receive another Butterfly Girl Designs Spindle. The second was a murano foil glass flower spindle that weighs in at 1.3 oz. It's blue with golden flakes and sparkles when the light hits it. The bottom portion of the shaft is carved and very elegant looking. I haven't started spinning anything on this spindle yet. I guess I'm waiting until just the right fiber speaks to me.

And that brings us to the third and final spindle. It's a 1.6 oz. resin spindle called chickadee memory from Dragoncraft. It has the cutest little birds on it and they're snuggling close together. The spindle even came with some mystery fiber to play with. I was planning on using this spindle to ply the merino ice princess singles when I finish them.

All of this spinning is definitely taking time away from the knitting and other projects. Although, I am almost finished knitting Wicked up to the arm holes :)

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