Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's A Bird, It's a Plane, It's .......

Finally the second sleeve of my silk shrug! I have officially completed the body and sleeves. Now all I have left is to sew up the seams and knit the ruffle that goes around the edge. I've never knit anything this big before and I'm really excited to see how it turns out :)

To finish the shrug, I need to use two techniques that I've never done before, sewing up seams and picking up stitches. That's not unusual since I had to look up how to increase and decrease just to complete the sleeves of this sweater. The website is great at showing all these different techniques and has really helped me learn and improve my knitting. I'm sure they will be able to help me now.

I must admit that the body of this sweater seemed to go on and on. Sometimes it felt like I would never be finished knitting. From end to end, it's almost taller than I am! I tried to take a picture to show you how long it is, but I couldn't fit all of it into the frame of my camera. Even though it's a little dark, I think this picture does an o.k. job of giving you a sense of it's length.

I love the color and feel of this shrug. It's so soft and since it's alpaca, I'm sure it will be very warm. Even little Ginny loves it! I could hardly keep her away from it long enough to take pictures. The ends of the yarn that haven't been woven in yet are her favorite :)

Life's been pretty crazy around my house since I came home from San Diego. I told you guys that I had some news to share on my next blog post. I'm happy to announce that during our trip to San Diego my boyfriend and I got engaged! We don't have any specifics planned yet, other than that it will take place next year in 2009. He moved into my house a couple of weeks ago and we're making plans to start our life together.

This past weekend was another race weekend at Thunderhill Raceway. My boyfriend decided to race into two different classes this time, so he had two races on Sunday morning. He looked great on the track and had a lot fun. Even though I was pretty far away, I was able to get a picture of him exiting the "Eagle's Nest." In case you're interested in more information about the racing, his team is Rent Money Racing.

I'm going to try and get the shrug sewn up this week so that I can start on the ruffle. I have promised myself that I would finish some projects before I start any new ones!

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