Monday, March 28, 2011


I've been away for a really, really, really long time, but I'm back! I haven't been up to anything special, just normal every day life. But, I have definitely been knitting and spinning.

Here's my latest spinning project, and it was a completely different experience for me. It's a wool/flax blend from Spunky Eclectic. I ordered 4 oz. of this beautiful stuff because the blend intrigued me and I loved the look of it. It came in 2 oz. bundles of pencil roving and was on my wheel less than a week after it came in the mail. I actually spun most of it up over two days, which is pretty fast for this slow spinner. This weekend, I plied it up into a simple two-ply and it's now hanging up to dry :)

I'd never heard anything about spinning flax before I dove into this. I probably should have looked through some of my books to get some tips and tricks, but I just started right in. I used the regular flyer on my Lendrum with a 10:1 ratio and found it to be a relatively easy spin. The flax was definitely rougher than the wool, but they drafted well together. Occasionally, I would hit a section where the flax would kind of draft apart from the wool, but it was pretty easily fixed by slowing down my wheel and taking a little more time to draft.

I think the final yarn will have a very nice drape and I can't wait for it to dry so I can measure the yardage. Maybe this will be the first of my handspun to actually be knit up!